Radio Contra Episode 37: Phone Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Citizen’s Band Radio for Bugout Vehicles

Link to Podbean download here.

Come and Take It! I cover the recent targeting of an Iranian nuclear scientist, a Norwegian’s experiment in smart phone surveillance and going into detail about my Bugout Vehicle’s Commo setup. CB is an incredibly versatile tool and one you should have in your truck.

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5 thoughts on “Radio Contra Episode 37: Phone Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Citizen’s Band Radio for Bugout Vehicles

  1. I’m having trouble with my tablet. It is a Proxim running android. I downloaded those apk files you listed. Plugged my tablet into my laptop. I tried to right click and share and I get a message that reads that it can’t be completed because the ‘device is either stopped or turned off.”

    Also I got rid of a bunch of the Google, Facebook pre bundled programs and “stopped” others. It won”t let me ‘force stop’ or remove Google. Do I need to get a different tablet?


  2. Wayne

    Enjoy and appreciate your podcasts! Thank you for the phone and truck info. I’m looking for both right now. I’d like to hear a show on the truck selection– I don’t particularly want to build one, but I could with the correct requirements, so your thoughts would be very helpful. For the phone, I’ve been following this for some time. Do you have any thoughts on using an open source OS such as GrapheneOS on a Google Pixel 4 platform? It has much improved security while maintaining most smartphone functionality. I’m looking at this combo and a faraday bag.

    1. I’m not familiar with that OS, but I can tell you for a fact it will not mitigate the tracking of the IMSI / IMEI numbers. Nothing will- they’re part of the phone being a phone.

      Folks have to understand that a communications device is exactly that. Our smart phones have become an addiction.

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