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Open Sources- 10MAR16


Snowden on Apple and the FBI

RT’s take on the same story

At a recent conference, the controversial former Contractor weighed in on the FBI-Apple legal battle. He feels, as do many others who know better, that the FBI already got into that phone long ago.

And they did. But that’s not the larger issue. The larger issue is that they’d rather you not know how they did it. In the RT article another interesting tidbit was included:

Comey also acknowledged that the FBI made the mistake of changing the iCloud password on Farook’s account, security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski wrote in a blog post.

“In other words, the mistake of trying to break into the safe caused the safe to lock down in a way that made it more difficult to get evidence out of it,” Zdziarski said.

Meaning, in other words, they tried to backdoor their way in.

The larger picture is that wire taps and government surveillance is nothing new. It has been a legal battle almost as long as telephones have been in widespread use; and the answer to all of this hasn’t changed either. Technology may, but people don’t.

No matter what may be thought of Edward Snowden, his presence and revelations to the mainstream are important. Knowing how to work without other people’s infrastructure makes life hard for those who consider the Liberty Movement the enemy. And to them, we’re much worse than the muslims who have proven their propensity to violence. Act accordingly.

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