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Scenes from the Recon and Surveillance Team Course

The Recon and Surveillance Team (R & S) course is designed to train civilians in the basic tasks of small unit tactics from the perspective of both a hunter and an observer. Rather than wasting time, money and ammo on modified close quarters battle techniques or even worse, mirroring conventional Infantry, this class teaches a team to work as a pack of hunters, not prey. It’s the way effective guerrilla fighters have fought since long before Major Robert Rogers wrote his now famous Rules for Ranging.

A student’s field expedient rangecard is prepared. Shooting an azimuth to the left and right limit of observation along with each target reference point (TRP), then ranging each, allows for quick target handoff between shooters. It’s a basic observation skill which better coordinates the team.
On patrol- the VHF mobile is prepared at the transmission site. Get the SALUTE report written up, we hit our commo window in 5.
A simple wire dipole is strung up. Our transmission site is ready to make contact with the safe house in town.
Time check: the window is open. Time to relay what we’ve found.
One of the student team members keeping eyes on the target. Soon we’ll be cleared hot.

We train on a level you’ll get nowhere else. Find the holes in your skills and contact me today.




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