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A Commo Pack Out, by WisCommando

I had the honor of having WisCommando in my RTO Course out in Wisconsin and the Scout Course in TN. He is an accomplished shooter, former Infantryman and works in the firearms industry. As he told me in class, communications was a ‘great unknown’, that was until he got squared away. He’s been working on gettign his own people quickly up to speed and sent over the jump-start guide he wrote for his local team. He shared it with me with the intent of sharing it with you.

This scratches the surface of what we do in class. Don’t be that guy who buys a bunch of crap and has no idea how to use it.

This is what you are going to need for a communications course, or the basics for local and team comms. You need two radios minimum per team. You need to have a PACE plan in place,

Remember, the phrase is “Shoot, Move, Communicate.”

We need to be able to talk to each other and our teams, we must have security in our communications, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Start with this article. This has most of the links to the items that you will need to get your hands on.

Listen to this podcast.

An important part of this is when he is talking about analog comms vs digital comms.

This is your purchase list. This is the basics of what will be needed to set up field expedient radio comms that can be extended to medium ranges (1-25 miles) with nothing more than a handheld system. If you do not want to get all the antenna equipment right away, then spend the money on some more handhelds, and hand them out to the people in your AO that you can trust.

If you have about $100, you can set up working comms.

Baofeng UV-5R – Ebay or Amazon, around $25-30

Split-post BNC Adapters – $7 on amazon

Ring Terminals – $11 on amazon

BNC Coax Cable – $16 on amazon

BNC to UHF Connector – $7 on amazon

SMA to BNC – 3 pack for $9.40

Get some 14 Gauge wire at Home Depot/Lowes/Menards/Hardware store. 50 ft will last a long time – $11. I like one black and one green for the different sides of the antennae ($22)

Wire cutters/strippers

Electrical tape ($2-10)

Shrink tubing ($6-10)

Donut electric fence insulators – you can get a 10 pack for $6 at fleet farm or tractor supply

At this point we can build an entire detachment’s worth of antennas for $124, that includes the radio and everything you need. Also make sure to keep 550 cord on hand, and a decent knife for cutting sticks and cord. A 24 oz shot bag doesn’t hurt either, but field expedient rocks will work. You will have to hang some of the antennas.

For regional comms you can get a QYT-KT8900. They are about $70-80.

Strongly recommended:

Cammenga Tritium Compass – $90-110 on amazon or ebay
1:24000 Regional maps – I would almost say these are mandatory
Write in the rain notebooks and pens/pencils
Pouch or backpack for radio – keep them out of sight
Earpiece/Handheld/Headset with Kenwood connectors for handhelds
(covert earpiece, bowman, or H-250 handset)

EXTRA HANDHELDS. It does you no good if you have no one to talk to. They are cheap, $25-30.

Realistically you can have a comm setup for local and regional networks for about $300. Then buy extra handsets to hand out to your people and neighbors.

Look folks, we’re going to need this. S has H T F already. Cell phones, towers, computers can all be compromised. Handhelds can too, but you can learn how to make it more difficult to be intercepted.

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