A Couple of Great Vids from AMRRON


In the Field

It’s one thing to tell you how, it’s another to show it in a video. Watch them both, they’re worth your time, especially for the beginners.

A note on the gear JJS is using- the Mag Loop antenna, sometimes known as an Alex Loop, is a great design especially concerning digital modes, which often have to use QRP level power. Another advantage is that they’re compact; I’m a fan of the very simple dipole personally, but Loops do a good job as well.

You should be working on it every spare moment you can even if it’s just listening; Tempus Fugit.


21 thoughts on “A Couple of Great Vids from AMRRON

  1. Watched these while I was waiting for some paint to dry. JJS does a great job presenting information, without overload. He’s also an excellent ambassador for ham radio; he comes across as both polite, and professional.

  2. Yeah, JJS has his stuff together unlike anyone else I am aware of in the liberty movement. He is quite the organizer. I thought his little mountain topper setup was pretty awesome. I’ve had my eye on a chameleon f-loop for awhile, but I am confused a little on its efficiency. I think it is only 3.6% efficient on 40M according to their website. Would that even be worth having?

    1. The chart I think you’re referencing is for the the two loops included in the kit.

      The thing about Loop antennas is that they’re resonant for a set range of frequencies; outside of these, the loop begins to self-oscillate, and thus looses efficiency quite a bit.

      1. I would.

        Although, I think it’s pretty expensive, and you could build one for a large fraction of the price.

        Loops of that type are a little more involved, needing to understand a bit more about antenna theory to get it right. Then again, that’s the beauty of the hobby.

        Here’s a good example of how to DIY:


        You’ll need a small tuning capacitor, which are fairly common at hamfests for small amounts of money, and the article does a great job of explaining that as well.

        Maybe I’m a cheap bastard(no, I definitely am…) but $400 plus shipping is kinda rough to swallow for something I could build myself.

      2. Don’t worry, I’m a cheap bastard myself. Typically cheap bastards are pretty handy to have around when things need to actually get done though.

        That link is a gold mine and I appreciate it very much. The gentleman who wrote the article links to another who sells a kit for 89£. Even that would be well under the 400 of the chameleon.
        I’ll be researching my own though. The thought of making contact with an antenna on my table, that I built, is too tempting. Thanks again.

  3. mtnforge

    Got to thinking when I first seen the COUNTYCOMM GP-5 SSB radios, who and for what purposes would a government agency have a contract out for these receivers.
    Seemed like an important thing to know. Any you guys have insight into that?

    1. They’re for survival kits for certain lines of work, and handouts to local nationals.

      State Dept. comes to mind. I handed out something similar in Afghanistan.

      The earlier model was actually made for Canadian pilots.

  4. “It really is very quick and easy compared to adjusting tuning coils, fiddling with counterpoise lengths, guying portable masts or trying to catapult wires over tree branches. And the results are as good, sometimes even better. I just love this little antenna!” This quote, from g4ilo’s site sums up why I was considering spending $400 on an antenna.

  5. Pingback: Two From Brushbeater | Western Rifle Shooters Association

  6. oldgreyguy

    Loop antennas are OK. Easiest and cheapest is a 65′ long wire, with a string and sinker to throw up in a nearby tree or other support. Use this with a 65 ft long counterpoise laid on the ground. (I use lamp cord wire.) Either use an antenna tuner with a single wire output and tie the counterpoise to the ground terminal or, use a 4:1 balun in some kind of box.
    I’ve used this combination on Field Day, in the Bahamas, and in Montana. Loads and works from 80 to 10 meters. Licensed 58 years.

    1. Yeah I feel the same way. My favorite antenna is a 65ft dipole with a 4:1 center; there’s picks many posts back.

      I’ve talked worldwide on HF, both QRP and 100w, and have a couple others rigged up that go to the field every now and again.

  7. fred

    Thanks for the link. I am learning a little more every day. Any man that has a coffee pot in the field is my friend.


    1. I’d like to know exactly what that thing is, I looked for it but my google-fu ain’t up to snuff.

      That thing is sweet. I use the old school percolator.

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