Radio Contra Episode 49: Capitol Under Siege?, Gab Data Breach, Jigsaw and Boot Selection Primer

Radio Contra Episode 49: I detail the absurd claims by “Acting Capitol Police Chief” Yogananda Pittman that Right Wing Extremists plan to “blow up” the Capital. Next we discuss the Gab data breach and the technology behind Jigsaw, a counterinsurgency networking program headed up by General Stanley McChrystal. Finally, we briefly discuss my recommendation for cold weather boot and why.

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8 thoughts on “Radio Contra Episode 49: Capitol Under Siege?, Gab Data Breach, Jigsaw and Boot Selection Primer

  1. What brand of socks do you recommend? So far I’ve been wearing (summer & winter) Darn Tough Socks’ Mountaineering Over-the-Calf Heavyweight Hiking Socks and have no complaints. Just curious if there’s something better out there.

    I have also be trying some OTC wool socks from Grip6 as well. So far I like them.

    Take care,


  2. Funny.
    Many of the points you have made have been the exact same ones I cannot post…ones most people probably *shouldn’t* post online… anywhere.
    What an interesting dilemma: the discussions need to happen but, by doing so, you present a return.
    Very interesting.

  3. Matt Bracken

    I get it about social media, but I’m already “blown” for many years now, and don’t have much to lose by posting opinion pieces on AmPart or anywhere else.

    1. You may want to go back and re-listen to what I said.

      Further, you and I are what we are. Our mission is to prepare our people for what comes next- not encourage them to be idiots.

    2. Further, social media is nothing more than an opiate. I STRONGLY encourage you to do a bit more digging on exactly what Jigsaw is and what its capable of.

      Gab is, was and always will be controlled opposition and I’ve consistently called that out since the beginning.

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