Sons of Liberty Live 79: Media Embedded with Hamas Terrorists on 7 OCT

Welcome to the Green Dragon Tavern! I’m joined by Patriotman, Madman Actual, Joe Dolio and Johnny Paratrooper to talk the disclosure that the media had ‘journalists’ embedded with Hamas during the 7 OCT terror attack and how this is expanding in Europe and here in the US.

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One thought on “Sons of Liberty Live 79: Media Embedded with Hamas Terrorists on 7 OCT

  1. Juan valdez

    That the media embedded with Hamas, and anyone else, indicates an ongoing, active interaction between the media, and anyone else. So while we focus on comsec, and opsec, it’s all totally compromised through ANY link to media organizations by anyone. As with the cartels, there’s a complete, off grid, communications system, and network, operating that undermines all security protocols. Obvious branch of deep state ops. Any false flag, black flag, antifa flag, blm flag, CCP flag ops that occur in the U.S. where fake news had early warning and just watched, they should be treated as coconspirators, if not actual bad guy participants. Or, if tshtf, and they are embedded with the opfor, they should be considered enemy combatant photographers, and duely addressed.

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