Waylays & Ambushcades: A Free Book On Historical Scouting

He (Jesse Hughes) never worked, but spent his time hunting and scouting. His clothing was colored in the ooze made from the bark of the chestnut oak; he would wear no other color, this shade harmonizing with the forest hues and rendering him less conspicuous to game and Indians. When scouting, his dress consisted only of the long hunting shirt, belted at the waist. Open leggings, moccasins, and a brimless cap; or a handkerchief bound about his head. Thus dressed, he was ever ready for the chase, or the trail of the Indian foe.

The Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia from 1768 to 1795 By Lucullus McWorther

Holy Serf sent in his compilation of historical accounts from the early days of Ranging. Going back to the pre-Revolution era through the days of the Appalachian Mountain Men, its full of great vignettes of the origins of small unit patrolling as we know it today. You’ll get an idea of just how much the basics never change.

Check it out: Waylays &Ambushcades and  be sure to check out the other downloads on the References page.

4 thoughts on “Waylays & Ambushcades: A Free Book On Historical Scouting

  1. vyt1az

    I was just pondering how people did things “back in the day” and here this appears. Thanks for sharing.

    There are some great nuggets in there:

    *Importance of Scouts*
    “THE life of a scout is, under any circumstances, one of peculiar responsibility, and calls into exercise not only the greatest daring, heroism, and physical endurance, but also the highest strategic skill and tact. In civilized warfare, the spy is regarded as one of the most valuable agents of military success, and only men of undoubted bravery and known discretion are detailed to perform scout – duty.”

    *Good Leadership*
    “”I have often heard the British officers call the Indians the undisciplined savages, which is a capital mistake – as they have all the essentials of discipline. They are under good command, and punctual in obeying orders”…

    …”There is no such thing as corporal punishment used, in order to bring them under such good discipline; degrading is the only chastisement, and they are so unanimous in this, that it eventually answers the purpose.”

  2. anonymous

    Thanks, their is no school like Olde School. Stalking and sneaking through the woods is an art and requires a lot of patience and constant thoughts to remain undetected. Unseen and unheard – you are a ‘woods ninja’ of sorts :^)

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