We’re getting close to the Redoubt Commo Course!

June is stalking up on us fast! And with that, I’ve got a mountain of emails from many of you about the course. So I’m going to answer what I can here:

1. Lodging: There’s barracks on site. I’m going to be staying in them- bring a few bucks to replace the TP for the range owner. Some are also going to camp.

2. Timeline: My courses start everyday at 0900 (9 am). We end in the evening, anywhere from 17-1800 (5-6 PM) and possibly later, mainly due to the size of the class. The last few classes I’ve run have went later almost exclusively because of questions and interactions the students have, which is awesome!

3. Food: That’s on you. Plan like you would living off grid for a few days and you’ll be good to go.

4. Gear: Students are not required to bring anything other than a notebook and acceptable outdoors clothes & boots for field work. But if there’s anything you want to bring to get hands on with, BRING IT! We’ll use it. A major part of the basic RTO Course is folks bringing whatever it is they have to a class because that mimics reality- people probably won’t have a several thousand dollar setup, but they will have a couple of Baofengs and a CB- so how do you work all that into an SOI?

I’m really looking forward to getting back out west. Every time in the past has been an awesome experience and getting to run classes out there for the redoubt region is a blessing.

6 thoughts on “We’re getting close to the Redoubt Commo Course!

  1. My favorite form of two way communication I learned in Cub Scouts which is with two soup cans with black fishing line between the two cans for regular comms and red fishing line for going secure. Will that do?

  2. Steve Mutzig

    Say, Scout —— can’t remember what the deposit was — about 50.00$ or so, I think —— can’t even remember what the total cost is —— I can give you a CC# now or cash later — your choice —— gold / silver / ammo / first born son (please) / or whatever —— looking fwd to seeing you again —— later —


    Also,,,, no need to respond to this e-mail unless you want a CC# now —— I’ll bring cash if that’s OK ——


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