104. The Curious Case of Dr. Lieber and The Rusty Zumwalt


Episode 104: I cover the beginning of the trial of Dr. Charles Lieber, Professor Emeritus and Harvard Department Head, who’s been caught spying for the Chinese Communist Party. Far more insidious is not just the academics who’s supported him but the undeniable facts behind the Chinese influence on our research institutions. Next I cover the USS Zumwalt, which has come back to port looking less than combat worthy.

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2 thoughts on “104. The Curious Case of Dr. Lieber and The Rusty Zumwalt

  1. Claudia

    First, let me say THANK YOU for writing about Dr Lieber. I am glad to see that someone else does know about this man, and his treason.
    I have forwarded two articles on him, and the DOJ charging him, as well as two Chinese mationals.trying to smuggle nano technology out of the country.
    It’s just amazing to me how so many people are blissfully unaware of this case.

    1. Thanks for listening and DEFINITELY for this case they’re keeping obscure. This man may very well have done more damage to the Nation than Julius Rosenburg ever dreamed possible.

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