222. Nashville, the Leftist Red Terror and the Appropriate Christian Response


Episode 222. I’m joined by my partners in thought crime from the Privy Council, Joe Dolio and the Virginia Gentleman, to discuss the very real Leftist Red Terror occurring now killing Christians and the appropriate response. Deus Vult.

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One thought on “222. Nashville, the Leftist Red Terror and the Appropriate Christian Response

  1. C71M

    This episode subject was right where my head has been. The reaction of Biden government to minimize the murderer’s victims, children & Christians, and shower concern over the perverted, mentally unstable, dysfunctional trannies remains DISGUSTING.

    It is not just differences in political visions for the USA any longer. This is clear, at least to wife, myself, and neighbors, a spiritual war. Evil walks amongst us and it’s power is flowing like a dark fog into every human that has no respect or love for fellow humans.

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